Drawmer 1973

# DRAW063060
Three Band FET Stereo Compressor
€ 1.414,00
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Standard intuitive controls such as Threshold, Gain, Switched Attack & Release with Gain Reduction Metering on each band. Fast reacting soft knee F.E.T. design with excellent Left/Right tracking across the full range of compression. Variable Wet/Dry Mix plus output gain give a ‘Parallel
Compression’ function without the need for external mixing devices. Variable Band split filters at a 6dB per Octave slope with switchable Mute and Bypass on each band make ‘Tuning In’ to a frequency simple. ‘Big’ and ‘Air’ Modes help preserve the Bass and enhance treble. Two Analogue V.U. Meters with Switchable +10dB Meter Rescale Modes and a Switchable ‘Peak’ mode to Display Fast Transients Not Normally Seen on Conventional V.U.s. Dedicated Gain Reduction meters on each band. Balanced XLR inputs/outputs.