Sommer Cable MCF08

# SOMM425930
SC-Mistral 08p Multikabel Analoog/AES
Retailprice: € 11,50
Your profit: € 1,00
€ 10,50
Prices are excluding VAT and per single unit, unless specifically mentioned otherwise

Current status

105 in stock

Product description

The SC-QUANTUM HIGHFLEX stands out with a low capacity of 45 pF wire/wire and remains 110 Ohm (AES/EBU) conform for hundreds of meters.

* Each wire pair is individually insulated, numbered and shielded by a copper spiral
* Additional measuring conductor
* Very low capacity of 45 pF wire/wire
* Highly flexible and windable without twisting
* In compliance with AES/EBU (110 Ohm)
* Additional yellow/green protective lead/ground wire provides added stability and safety

* Professional stage and live multicore for separate or central grounding
* Creation of highly flexible analog and digital studio looms
* Permanent installation